Birdwing by Rafe Martin | Teen Ink

Birdwing by Rafe Martin

December 15, 2009
By Diego619 BRONZE, New Albany, Indiana
Diego619 BRONZE, New Albany, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Yes We Can!!

What’s more frustrating than having trouble searching for where you fit in? Unfortunately that was the case for a prince named Ardwin. Rafe Martin, the author, wrote an excellent fantasy, Birdwing, about a royal family of prince brothers that were magically turned into swans by an evil spell. One day the spell was broken and they were transformed back into their original human form. Everyone except Ardwin, he was left with a swan wing as a left arm. The majority of the story is about the way Ardwin deals with his wing and the huge quest he is on after he discovers he is in danger.
Ardwin is an interesting and amazing character. Not only did I have sympathy for him, but I could really relate to him also. I could feel Ardwin’s pain and struggle during his tribulations. And most of all, his frustration.
As a result of Ardwin’s birdwing as his arm, he is commonly jeered at and called names by his peers and the people of his town. Throughout the book, Martin takes you through Ardwin’s teasing while he is taunted at with the name “Prince Freak”, and an overall, isolated, mistreated, outcast. Despite his differences I think Ardwin set the perfect example of trying to keep a positive attitude.
Although Ardwin has an overall lonely life, he has two nice friends; they’re Stephen and Skye. His friends Stephen and Skye are very faithful companions and as you keep reading Birdwing, it will amaze you, as it did me, Stephen’s and Skye’s friendly reputation when you discover more and more of this elegant book.
The book is jam packed with lessons and themes. It was actually difficult for me to figure out what the overall theme of the book is because there are so many sub-themes during the entire book. Many of the lessons and themes stood out to me, but there is one particular theme that was my favorite. It was to never give up. Ardwin is willing, determined, tries his best and doesn't quit until he reaches his goal. In Birdwing, Ardwind says the following to himself while using a bow and arrow: “To become merely 'a decent shot' will not be good enough.” Ardwin keeps trying although he realizes that isn’t a skilled archer yet. Then his trainer says the following: “....But you have perseverance, Prince Ardwin. You kept at it despite your lack of success. What's more, you made no complaint against the wind, and you damaged no arrow. When you failed, you made no moan. Bran broke a bow over his knee when he began, so frustrated did he become....” This statement gave Ardwin the momentum to keep trying and to never give up. I love how he kept tying. This will teach many readers a lesson along with other lessons this book contains.
Birdwing is a terrific book, but I think the story is too focused on Ardwin and not enough the people or animals that experience him, his troubles and struggles. Also Rafe Martin doesn't explain too much how those people or animals feel. It is important to express the way they feel because they play a big role in Ardwin's life.
During he adventure of Ardwin, and before he takes off, the setting and time period seems very similar to the Medieval Time period. The kingdoms and the royalty along with the fact that there is a separation between the rich and the poor, support that the story takes place during Midieval Times.
Because this time period in the book is similar to the time period of the Medieval Times, I believe that this story fits in the category of fairy tales. Knowing that Ardwin is on a journey, and he is in distress looking for an solution, like a dansle. Along with being a fairy tale, Birdwing could also be known as being fantasy or science-fiction novel.
Birdwing is a terrific book and will have you entertained. This is an amazing book and if you would like to see what unexpected things happen on Ardwin's journey and what the danger that caused Ardwin to depart was, then you will just have to read the book.


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