Violet on the Runway by Melissa Walker | Teen Ink

Violet on the Runway by Melissa Walker

December 17, 2009
By Rachana J BRONZE, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Rachana J BRONZE, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You know how sometimes when you move to a completely new school and people make fun of you, you feel that you have nobody to talk to? When I read Violet on the Runway by Melissa Walker, I felt like I could almost connect with the protagonist because we both have gone through almost the same things.

Violet moves to a new school and makes two new friends. Apparently, as she enters Greenfield High, a lot of people make fun of her. She gets Made fun of almost everyday at school. Want to know what they call her? Tall Giant, Freckled Beast, and a lot of other horrible and mean stuff. All of this eventually brings her down and makes her feel like she will never acheive anything in life. Until that day when she meets Angela who asks her for a small favor. Could this one small favor change her entire life? You'll have to read the book to know that. I’m not going to tell you.
Violet and I are vaguely alike but in a lot of different ways in the book. Most of the times Violet and I have close characteristics. Maybe if you read the book too , you might also find times where you can connect as well.

This book is very ecstatic and gratifying. Not only that but its benefiting for those who have wild dreams. Plus, those who like connecting with their characters. I highly recommend this book for girls who cant find a way to talk to their crushes. Also if you feel like you are completely
invisible, well you’re not the only one so dont feel lonely. Warning: This book is only for children 13 and up.


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