Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monkidd | Teen Ink

Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monkidd

January 25, 2010
By Chandler Hickenbottom BRONZE, Saratoga Springs, New York
Chandler Hickenbottom BRONZE, Saratoga Springs, New York
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I would defiantly recommend The Secret Life of Bees for all eighth graders. The story is about a girl named Lily and her African American servant named Rosaleen. Lily’s mother died and she only has a shoebox full of memories of her. She decides to leave her abusive father to go to Tiburon, South Carolina hoping to find a picture that resembles the black Virgin Mary. (pg. 42)She finds a the picture on a jar of honey at store/ restaurant.(pg.64) She decides to find the house where she meets the Boatwright Sisters May, August, June.(Pg.68)At that very house is where Lily finds out secrets about her mother’s past that will change her life forever.

There are many reasons why I would recommend The Secret Life of Bees. One reason why I would recommend this book is because it’s about a teenage girl trying to find herself and I think all teenagers can relate. Another reason is because of Lily’s abusive father anybody that’s been through that can find a safe haven. This book is basically showing Lily life in a new light.
In conclusion, the book The Secret Life of Bees is defiantly a book I recommend for all eighth graders or anybody.


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