The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain | Teen Ink

The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain

March 1, 2010
By CalebLouden BRONZE, Seth, West Virginia
CalebLouden BRONZE, Seth, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The title of the book I read was The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. It was a very exciting and interesting book! I think that one of the main points in the book were when Huck and Jim were on the run from rich people! This is my favorite book. My opinion of this book is that it is amazing! Another main point was when Huck and Jim were running for their lives when all of a sudden Huck was injured by a bullet fired from a pistol. This is the best book that I have ever read because it is adventurous! This book is most suitable for readers thirteen and up. It is inappropriate for readers under that age.
Description and summary of main points
The author of this book is Mark Twain. He is an outstanding book writer. This book was written in 1865. Mark twain was raised in Hannabal, Missouri. Twain had to leave school at the age of twelve to find a job. He was a steam boat pilot before becoming a writer. I think that one of the main points in Twain’s book was when Huck tried to free the slave named Jim. Another main point was when Huck and Jim were running for their lives down an old road when some rich farm people were chasing and shooting at them. While they were running Huck was shot in the back. He didn’t die, but was badly injured.
The characters in this book are Tom, Huck, Jim, Aunt Polly, and the old widow. The theme of this book is taking risks to help another person. The plot is about two teenage boys who are best friends. They always like to get into mischief. This book is the best book that I have ever read. I like this book because it is an adventurous book!

This book is and only should be read by people over the age of thirteen. This book is absolutely amazing! All of my main points are that Huck and Jim floated down river on a journey to set Jim free going through troubles and toil. My opinion of this book is that everyone should read this amazing and adventurous book. I think that all of its readers would be amazed of how wonderful this book is!
Your final review

My thoughts of this are that it is an inappropriate book for people under thirteen. I think this book is more suitable for older readers. This was the
greatest book that I have ever read. I think that this book is about taking risks to help other people!


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