A Little Friendly Advice by idk | Teen Ink

A Little Friendly Advice by idk

March 2, 2010
By Sarah Magliozzi BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Sarah Magliozzi BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The door rings, Ruby’s dad is standing at the door. He’s been out of her life for years. And he decides to come back on her 16th birthday party! Her friends Marie, Katherine, and Beth try to help by giving Ruby advice. The novel A Little Friendly Advice by Siobhan Vivion is a must read book.

Ruby, a girl in the novel A little Friendly advice, is the main character. She is turning 16 when they day don’t plan out the way that she wanted it to. Her dad comes on her birthday party and she gets so mad at him she wants him to leave and never come back. But her friends Marie, Katherine, and Beth are always trying to help. But do you think that Ruby is ever going to forgive her dad for not being there and showing up at her birthday?

The title A little Friendly Advice describes the book! It describes the book because her friends are always helping by giving her friendly advice. And when I say friendly its because the advice giving is always nice things its never mean or anything! He friends really helped her with the dad situation the most!

The author description “SIOBHAN VIVON, is obsessed with music, particularly obscure Swedish bans playing lo-fi songs about love. She is also the author of same different. She prefer that you pronounce her first name “shove-on” over the incorrect phonetic vision “sign-onba-han”. That is on the back of the book A little Friendly advice.

So the book a little friendly advice is a realistic fiction. I recommend this book to people who like drama and for people that like to be surprised. There for the book a little friendly advice is a must read book.

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