Fortunes of War | Teen Ink

Fortunes of War

March 1, 2010
By yuri goto BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
yuri goto BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You are a Russian fighter pilot. A missile detonates under your left wing. You eject out of the plane then the plane blows up. You touch down safely but you still have to run back to your base. The Japanese are still chasing you in order to kill you. This is like a scene in the book fortunes of war. This book, a New York Times best seller, is the best book ever.

This book is full of action. The scenes in this book feel like it is actually happening. The war in the book is so action packed and full of suspense that it’s more like a movie scene than a book. It is very vivid and detailed too. The book fortune of war is crammed with action and suspense.

The book is about the Japanese are going in to Russia to take over Siberia. The Russians try to fight, even though they have no chance. The U.S. is helping the Russians, but they do not have enough F-22 pilots. The war starts the war exploded in to a dangerous killing spree. And the 3 countries are at each other’s throats to see who will control Siberia.

The author’s writing style is very interesting. Every chapter is about one of the 3 main characters. It’s an ever-changing perspective. The characters descriptions are so good that they seem real. The author’s style of the book is always changing so it stays interesting.
In conclusion, the fortune of war by Stephen coonts is the best book of all time. Tons of action and suspense. The dogfights are extremely detailed. One of the best scenes is when the Japanese airdrop it a Russian airport and take it over. If you have a chance to read it you should read it.


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