Too Young to Die | Teen Ink

Too Young to Die

October 10, 2007
By Anonymous

Too Young to Die
Lauren McDaniel

Melissa accompanied by her best friend Jory wants to make her fresh men year the best . She even joins the brain bowl team and is very inspired. A month later Melissa realizes that she has too many bruises and goes to the doctor. Luekimia is detected in Melissa and and she is in denial. This is the main conflict. She cant believe what is happening to her. She meets a guy named Ric at the hospital that becomes her boyfriend . Ric has bone cancer and does not have a leg. Melissa's family, Ric, and her rich friend Jory are there to support Melissa in her suffering and help her succeed her remission from luekimia. I enjoyed this book very much because it is inspiring. Though I didn't like that nothing good happened. I recommend Too Young to Die to teenagers.


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