Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck | Teen Ink

Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck

May 27, 2010
By melissal SILVER, Huntington, West Virginia
melissal SILVER, Huntington, West Virginia
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
One day you&#039;ll cry for me, like I cried for you.<br /> One day you&#039;ll miss me, like I missed you.<br /> One day you&#039;ll need me, like I needed you.<br /> One day you&#039;ll love me, but I wont love you.

Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck

Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck is a story of two men trying to live their dream. They never knew how hard that could be, and the decisions they had to make. I would recommend this book to teens through adults. It is a wonderful book that tells a great story.
George has always been close and taken care of Lennie, who is kind of slow. These two go through a lot together. One thing about Lennie is that he likes to touch soft silky things. Such as dogs, mice, hair, dresses and such, but by touching some things will get him in trouble. They get a job at a ranch, and it did not work out as planned. The boss’s son is rude and is always picking fights. His wife is something else. She flirts and is always talking to different guys. Since Lennie came to the ranch he thought she was a gorgeous girl. The boss’s son Curly doesn’t like that, and picks a fight with Lennie and he won’t forget that fight. George and Lennie go through all of this so hopefully one day they can live out the dream they’ve always had, but George has to make the biggest choice, that he or no one else will ever forget.
I really like how Steinbeck uses his dialogue; it makes me feel like I am there in the conversation. He describes his settings so well, I can picture it so perfectly. His use of words is just amazing. He can help you visualize the whole book while reading. It is just a great book to read.
I like this book because it lets you know: don’t judge people by their appearance. It also taught me how to make choices. It can explain to you that no matter who you are and where you come from every person is the same. They may be a little different, but we all are humans and no one should be treated like they aren’t.
I give this book a rating of five stars because honestly I really don’t like to read but this book is one book that I will never forget. I will recommend this book to any one 13 and older. This is one book that I could read over and over, and it would never get old. It just has a good moral behind the story. Of Mice and Men is a terrific book.

The author's comments:
I wrote this review, because everyone should hear of this book and read it. I think it is one of the best books I have ever read before. You should check this book out of your local library.

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