The Day of the Pelican by Katherine Paterson | Teen Ink

The Day of the Pelican by Katherine Paterson

November 12, 2010
By ErinRose GOLD, Colchester, Vermont
ErinRose GOLD, Colchester, Vermont
14 articles 1 photo 14 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Why my piggy?! WHY?! I loved you, piggy!! I loved you...&quot; -Gir. Invader Zim. (:<br /> &quot;GOOD FRIENDS would always knock on your house door. BEST FRIENDS would just enter and yell IM HOME at the top of their lungs.&quot;-Unknown

Day of the Pelican by Katherina Paterson really got to me. The story is about a family who is driven from their home and country by people called the Serbs. The main character, Meli, and her family are forced out of Kosovo, were their lives were. They then escape into the mountains, but the Serbs follow them and make them retreat from there. From the mountains, they set out for Macedonia, where they stay in a refugee camp.
Meli and her family face hard times in the refugee camp. But, then, they see their names on a list of families that are to go to America.
They pack up, set out to America, and end up in the Green Mountain State(my home state). While there, Meli and her older brother, Mehmet, go to high school, where they soon learn English.
Then, the Twin Towers fall. Everybody in their school grows mad at them, and they end up being excluded, and, for Mehmet, beaten. But, I find this book to be very well written. When you read The Day of the Pelican, you'll want to look for more from this author.


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on May. 18 2011 at 10:20 am
Jean16Bean PLATINUM, Batavia, New York
21 articles 0 photos 26 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Writing is not hard. Just get paper and pencil, sit down and write as it occurs to you. The writing is easy-it&#039;s the occurring that&#039;s hard.&quot;-Stephen Leacock

I LOVED this book. Katherine Paterson is a great author. Did you read Bridge to Terabithia? She wrote it, and it's great. They made a movie based on Bridge to Terabithia.