A Step from Heaven by Anna | Teen Ink

A Step from Heaven by Anna

January 9, 2011
By popteenida BRONZE, Bangkok, Other
popteenida BRONZE, Bangkok, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A Step from Heaven was written by Anna. Anna was born in Korea, but grew up in California. This is story starts with a Korean girl who moved to America with her family. She thought America is heaven. While I am reading this book I felt enjoyable and realistic because it is very fresh. It told by using some of the Korean words, giving out the atmospheres that are unique. This book was guaranteed by the American Library Association as an Excellence Young Adult Literatures.

Young Ju, the main character moved to America with her family. They moved to America to start a better life and they thought America is heaven. They figured out later that they were totally wrong, America is not heaven. Besides, they needed to face many problems like language problem, money problem and her father’s anger problem. At that time, Young Ju still has Amanda, her best friend sitting next to her. Young Ju doesn’t have any supernatural power to change her future. She needed to fight with both of her own hands. For me, this book is a good book that reflected out how hard for an immigrant like Young Ju to survive in America. Not only that, it especially reflected her Apa or her dad problem which is a worldwide problem that happens on many parts of the world.

This book gave me an idea that how hard is an immigrant to adapt themselves into a new country and culture. I would like to recommend everyone, especially young adults to read this book. This book makes my vision wider, it gets me to know a life from the absolutely another side of this world. This book is very well-written book. It includes a beautiful imagery and language. Even this story told me about how hard for immigrants to survive in America, I still believe that America is a land of opportunities. I highly recommend this book to everyone.


This article has 1 comment.

Ommyom said...
on Jan. 17 2011 at 5:25 am
Hi!!!!!! After I read your essay, I really want to read this book :)