The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway | Teen Ink

The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway

March 8, 2011
By KirstyB BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
KirstyB BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
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Ernest Hemingway is a widely discussed author because of his indirect method of portraying his novels, and for his incredible story lines. In The Sun Also Rises, he creates an elaborate story based upon how World War I can mentally, even physically; change a person and his perspective on life.

When the book begins, we are introduced to a man named Jake Barnes, a WWI veteran. Partaking in the war impacted Barnes in a way I did not understand at first. It physically changed him by allowing him to never have sexual relationships with women, and mentally by turning his life into an aimless black hole. With no direction, Barnes travels around Europe to party, drink, and waste his time.

He is very much in love with a woman by the name of Brett; however, she will not commit into a relationship with him because of his condition. She has said she will not give up her sex life to be with Jake, which in my eyes is unfair because of how much they truly are in love with one another. Brett is engaged to a man named Mike, but she has cheated and most likely will continue to do so.

Towards the resolution, we realize how war has ruined many veterans’ lives. It changes soldiers’ perspectives on everything and can lead to a sorrow-filled life. Like Barnes, their lives are purposeless and they put all their time into useless activities such as partying and becoming intoxicated at all hours of the night.

As I finished the novel, I had concluded that I did not like it; however, I thought about it and realized how much it taught me. It is an excellent book, especially if you enjoy thinking thoroughly about events that have taken place within the book. In my opinion, I did not like the indirectness that Hemingway used, but it was still an excellent read. I enjoyed it because it taught wonderful lessons and took a different approach in the way it was written.


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