Katniss Everdeen | Teen Ink

Katniss Everdeen

March 16, 2011
By kellydog10 GOLD, Hawthorn Woods, Illinois
kellydog10 GOLD, Hawthorn Woods, Illinois
15 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Katniss Everdeen. The two words every soul in Panem knows. The two words that describe the independent, bold spirited girl that started a rebellious spark that started a forest fire throughout the districts. Known to most as the legendary “Mockingjay”, Katniss Everdeen has a brave background. This includes events such as becoming one of the two victors of both the 74th and the 75th Hunger Games. She also was the assassin of the demanding President Coin of District 13. Throughout the astonishing book, Katniss grows even stronger as a character. As if surviving two dreadful Hunger Games wasn’t enough, she also led all the Districts into rebellion and mourns the many loses of her loved ones. Katniss is a determined character- she fought for the Districts rights and also helped successfully recover Peeta from his horrible, hijacked state. Overall, Katniss is the main, strongest, and most inspiring character throughout the Hunger Games series.


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