The leo durocher story by gene schoor | Teen Ink

The leo durocher story by gene schoor

May 27, 2011
By Anonymous

The Leo Durocher Story .Schoor, Gene. 8 west 40th Street, New York: Julian Messner, Inc, 1955.pp187.

The Leo Durocher Story was the most inspiring book I have ever read. This book taught me to never give up. There is always an inspiring book somewhere and this is one of those books. Leo could be burning the wick of losing and still end up in success of winning the game. In all these games he did his best and I admire that. The book was written by Gene Schoor
To begin with, Leo was born a winner, when he was a young man he told his mother that he was going to be the best short stop in baseball history and that was a goal that was set. I believe that the author of this book felt exactly the way I did. Schoor did a great job writing the book because, I feel it is a privilege to read it. Durocher was a short stop/manager for baseball. He was on the bit of the arguing side; every time there was a foul he was arguing to the referees.
I believe the theme of the story is what I elaborated in the first paragraph. The main characters in the story in Leo, The Giants, and finally the Dodgers. The setting mostly took place in the ball parks either it was in the home parks or away. The book did achieve its goals, I believe, it changed live especially for baseball fans like me. In my eyes, this book is too good to be compared to less interesting books.
In all, the book was amazing. It was well-organized and impossible to put down. Gene again did q good job he has wrote many books and I read those to, but this book is the best one yet. Durocher was a baseball hero who earned the right to be written about.


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