The Trap by John Smelcer | Teen Ink

The Trap by John Smelcer

April 10, 2008
By Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
1044 articles 0 photos 1 comment

It's evident that John Smlecer is an expert on the topic The Trap. Like many of his other books The Trap takes you into the cold, rough and sometimes intense life of Northern Alaska. The thriller shows what can happen when you even make a little mistake up there. When an old man accidentally twikes a bear trap on his leg during a casual routine he finds himself trying to overcome various life threatening obstacles. The cold, the food, and the wild. Meanwhile we see the actions of Albert's young grandson who lives in the village where he and Albert grew up. With Johnny we see the struggles of a small rural village “trapped” between the countries old ways and modern life. Johnny's rooting for tradition and blames white men for bringing modern technology and taking away any compassion that people in his village used to have. It doesn't take long for danger to come into the book. Wolfs are out to get grandpa. Johnny begins to have doubts that his grandfather is okay. It leaves you hanging on the edge wondering if this one really could be the end for both of them. The story wraps up with rescue for Albert on one side and helpless death on the other. It just comes down to which one gets there first.


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