The Boys' War by Jim Murphy | Teen Ink

The Boys' War by Jim Murphy

December 7, 2011
By Shaam M. BRONZE, Aurora, Illinois
Shaam M. BRONZE, Aurora, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

During the Civil War, boys as young as twelve joined their side of the army to fight for what they believed in or just to get away from daily life. In The Boys’ War, Jim Murphy uses the exact words these under-aged soldiers wrote in their diaries and letters. “…Their accounts bring to life, as no other versions can, the Civil War and all of its glories and horrors…”-- School Library Journal. Murphy describes the challenges teens faced on the front line of war and even their routine camp life. Included throughout the book, over 45 sepia pictures give a clear view of the Civil War’s aftermath.

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school work


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