Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins | Teen Ink

Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

December 21, 2011
By Kate Mesaros BRONZE, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Kate Mesaros BRONZE, Ann Arbor, Michigan
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Katniss Everdeen, the girl on fire, strikes again. Katniss survived the hunger games not once, but twice. The Capitol thinks it is not fair, and they want revenge. She is stuck inside district 13, which is underground. Everyone thought district 13 was destroyed, but Katniss is training for war there. The Capitol is bombing all the districts and killing hundreds, “Within seconds, a low-flying V-shaped formation of Capitol hover planes appears above us, and the bombs begin to fall.” Katniss is also in a serious love triangle. There is Peeta, the one who was with her throughout both hunger games, but is trapped inside the Capitol. But also Gale, the boy who she hunted and gathered with. The best friend Peeta never was. Katniss and her army from district 13 will fight as long as they must, and will try to take over the Capitol. Many of her friends and families will die during combat, but in the end if they didn’t win, many could have died for no reason.

In Suzanne Collins last book of the Hunger Games trilogy, she has you on the edge of your seat until you finish the book. In Mockingjay she tells the reader exactly what Katniss was thinking and feeling all the time. It was easy to keep reading because the end of every chapter was a cliff hanger. Collins did a great job of moving the story forward. There were no parts where you felt like the book was moving through mud. I say that anyone older than 10 could read this novel. It is an easy read but adults can enjoy the thrilling and romantic parts. This is the final book which is sad, but this great author should have inspiration to do more.

The author's comments:
I wrote this because I loved the book and wanted others to read it.


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