Extrordinary by Adam Selzer | Teen Ink

Extrordinary by Adam Selzer

January 3, 2012
By TheLittleMergirl7 SILVER, Des Moines, Iowa
TheLittleMergirl7 SILVER, Des Moines, Iowa
5 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
Got it memorized?<br /> Children gotta be free to lead their own lives<br /> Are people born Wicked? Or do they have wickedness thrust upon them?<br /> Now wait just a clock tick!

The full title of this book is: Extraordinary: The true story of my fairy godparent, who almost killed me, and certainly never made me a princess. There wasn’t even enough room to type that in the title box! The title alone quickly grabbed my attention. I mean, normally when I think about fairy godparents, I think of the T.V. show, or of some old fairytale. This book isn’t at all like that. The main character, Jennifer Van Der Burg, known as Jenn, has a book written about her, called Born to Be Extraordinary, and it is nothing like what really happened to her. The fairy godparent in Born to Be Extraordinary was kind, and sweet. The fairy godparent in her real life is anything but. Gregory Grue is his name, and granting wishes is his game. Again, with three wishes I think of a genie, or a fairy. Gregory isn’t at all like either. Gregory is short, greasy, and a cigar smoker. He offers Jenn three wishes, and for payment, she has to kiss the guy he chooses at the dance. She doesn’t believe Gregory, but he tells her that it’s been decided, and he would grant her wishes. Gregory also tells her that if she doesn’t kiss the guy he chooses at the dance, she will die. Not many godparents you’ve heard about would do that, huh? Somehow, this guy not only jumbles up her love life, but ends up being her drama teacher, too. This book was a great read, and I really enjoyed it. So if you’re willing to forget everything you thought you knew about fairy godparents, and learn the ways of Gregory Grue, I would definitely read this book

The author's comments:
I read this book recently, and thought that it deserved a review.


This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 13 2012 at 2:24 am
ILoveWritingAlot BRONZE, E, Other
3 articles 5 photos 57 comments

Favorite Quote:
Every end is a new beginning;<br /> What a caterpillar calls an end the rest of the world calls a butterfly;<br /> There never was a good war, or a bad peace.;<br /> &ldquo;People will believe anything if you whisper it.&rdquo;<br /> &ldquo;Where words fail, Music speaks&rdquo;

nice!! :) really want to read it now