The Host by Stephenie Meyer | Teen Ink

The Host by Stephenie Meyer

January 11, 2012
By Cicichildress GOLD, Bono, Arkansas
Cicichildress GOLD, Bono, Arkansas
12 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift thats why its called the present.

The Host isn't your average alien book, instead of green creatures with giant eyes you have a beautiful, silver, worm like organism with attachments that connect with your brain and take over your body. These aliens aren't here to destroy the planet, they are compassionate and kind, they are here to make Earth better. But when Melanie Stryder has a soul inserted into her body, she won't fade away like normal. The soul, Wanderer, has to battle for control of Melanie's secrets about the location of her younger brother and her boyfriend Jared. Melanie's memories make Wanderer fall in love with her small family and leave the Soul society to find Jamie and Jared. Stephanie Meyer did a fantastic job of writing this book to pull you into the story and keep you on the edge of your seat.Will the humans gain control over the Earth again or will the souls find every last sane human?

The author's comments:
After finishing The Host for the third time, I realized it was my favorite book.


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