cowboys and aliens by Rosen Berg | Teen Ink

cowboys and aliens by Rosen Berg

February 2, 2012
By markus.h BRONZE, Kelowna, District Of Columbia
markus.h BRONZE, Kelowna, District Of Columbia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
im cool

Rosen berg created this book for people like me. Adventure and action packed,
This book is about a few cowboys’ that wonder the Wild West in Arizona with Indians at their back, but of course, they have their fights over things. Well get ready humankind someone or something in joining the fight. However, this is different these are not normal people they do not want a little piece of land they want the whole earth! Therefore, we must fight to the death for our world.
In addition, what will become of our world? What will we do to stop it? Find out by reading cowboys and aliens.
I encourage you to read this book because it affects our lives daily weather we believe in such mythical creators or not.
Rosen berg is a great author because she makes the characters seem real she makes you feel as if you’re in the situation with the characters.


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