Wings by Aprilynne Pike | Teen Ink

Wings by Aprilynne Pike

May 31, 2012
By Vannillawafer BRONZE, Lincoln, California
Vannillawafer BRONZE, Lincoln, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Trapped in a box, I'm not alone. I know many other with a box as their home and light only enters from a crack or a hole. This isn't enough for a human to grow.

Wings by Aprilynne Pike

The book, Wings by Aprilynne Pike, is like a modern day fairy tale. A teenage girl, Laurel, painfully discovers she is a fairy sent to protect a magic gateway. As if she doesn’t have enough to handle, a love conflict is thrown in among the confusion. This is a well written book about mystery, love, magic, and danger.

In my opinion, I feel that the descriptions are a bit too unrealistic, especially for being set in modern day. Pike describes laurel being super-model beautiful, and that’s because of her fairy heritage, but she also describes her as being perfect a little bit too much. Laurel is a strict vegan, thin, perfect hair, eyes, and just everything. But if a child ate spinach for breakfast, sprite for lunch, and peaches for dinner, as a parent I would be worried. I don’t understand how her parents could just accept her strange eating habits after all these years while not knowing she’s a thought-to-be mythical creature. I believe she should have cut down on the description of Laurels perfectness and made her human friends and parents more realistic. As for the rest of the book it is well written and in all well set up. I do recommend it to those interested in fiction, mythical creatures and romance, and danger.


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