Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins | Teen Ink

Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

August 30, 2012
By paranoidsou1 BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
paranoidsou1 BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"...So we march to the drums of the damned as we come, watch it burn in the sun. We are numb!..."-Hollywood Undead

Hunger Games
Author : Suzanne Collins

Hunger games… The most exciting book there is. In this book Katniss Everdeen volunteers for her sister, Prim, after she was chosen at the reaping. Both Katniss and Peeta fight for their lives in what they call The Hunger Games. This was a terrible way to show who rules all twelve districts. Now, after having a few close calls and a loss of a found friend, Rue, the winners are Katniss and Peeta. Throughout this whole endeavor Katniss and Peeta had a little love story going on which contributed to their survival. Now that they won, they must find a way to avoid President Snow’s rath.

Now, time for what everyone wants to hear, the positive critiques of this book. The Hunger Games would not let me put it down, it was so intense. It was full of suspense and action. Not only that, but it had some intensely emotional parts in it. Like when Rue died in such a way that it was so depressing, I cried for days. The love story between Katniss and Peeta came as a surprise to me. I honestly thought Katniss and Gale were going to be a thing and I’m sure some of you did too. President Snow… I’m not so sure about him. He made me want to read the other two books.

Onward to the not so positive critiques of The Hunger Games. Even thought this book was amazing through and through but I must rant about how it is based in a time that is messed up. Although it contributed well to the events I couldn’t help but completely yell at the book because of how terrible it made life in the future seem. Also, the simple fact that these poor children had to kill each other for all of Panem’s entertainment, it’s just not right. Who in their right mind would do such a thing? I mean, it’s just so wrong to do that to little kids.

Hunger Games… This book should definitely be bought by everyone who likes action, suspense, love stories, and is not afraid to cry for a book, as well as read it over and over again. It’s just that good! I can’t wait to get to read the other two books. I suggest you all do the same, if you want to get some intense-ness in your diet of books.

The author's comments:
This was a summer project for my Honors English class.
(could not find the cover of Hunger Games)


This article has 1 comment.

Taros_Lover said...
on Sep. 21 2012 at 10:38 am
Wow you summarized this book prefectly. I will admit that I thought Gale and Katniss would be a definite thing. In the end I was all for Peeta and Katniss. Also I hate President Snow he really makes you want to read the other books though.