The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins | Teen Ink

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

November 15, 2012
By ThunderCats916 BRONZE, Fair Oaks, California
ThunderCats916 BRONZE, Fair Oaks, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Peanut Butter" -me

Have you ever wondered what it is like to be apart of some persons game? Katniss Feels that when she volunteers for the Hunger Games which is the title of this book. its set in a lot of places District 12, The Capital,and The Arena. Those are some main places. People in all districts 1-12 feel apart of a game because their Men and Women and Children are Chosen for a Battle in an Arena. Surprisingly they let people volunteer. Their names are thrown in a pile sorted from man to woman. Women Picked first then the men. Peeta a fellow who works at a bread place and makes bread. He gets beat by his mom. Katniss and Peea are the same age and have had an encounter with him before. This book is AMAZING! its suspenseful and the way its styled makes you want to never put it down. If I were the person reading this Review i would run to the nearest library and Grab the book to read it!!!!!!!!!!

The author's comments:
I like This Book


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