The Perks of bieng a wallflower | Teen Ink

The Perks of bieng a wallflower

November 29, 2012
By valeria BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
valeria BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"lifes to short to sit and do nothins"

The perks of being a being a wallflower in my opinion is one of the greatest book ever written. It catches your attention your attention from the moment you start reading it. Charlie’s complicated life, his adventure and his innocents makes you burst out laughing. His cluelessness and innocents gets him out of trouble and gets him a lot of new friends. A boy who loves to read and enjoys every book he reads especially by Harper Lee, Fitzgerald, and Ayn Rand, books to him are like an adventure in a different world and a different life. One of Charlie’s best memories is his first party and trying the best milkshake he “ever” had while he was high of weed brownies. He had to get courage and bravery to tell his parents how his sister’s boyfriend hit her in front of him, She “hated him for it, but later was grateful for it. Charlie’s life changes so quickly through his eyes that he wants to stop time and repeat his first kiss he had his first love. Him knowing that his only friends are seniors and that pretty quickly they’ll be gone, the world crumbles underneath his feet and has no idea what to do because his afraid he won’t be able to make new friends like the ones he has know,whoat Charlie doesn’t know is that not all his friends have to be the same. He has inspiration through his aunt Helen and brother who is a professional football player, wanting to be as noble as his aunt, but have as much girls like his brother. His experiences and open mind makes me think twice about life and look back at life and appreciate it more and have a little sense of humor and not try to grow up so fast. Charlie goes through embarrassments, judgment, confessions, lie’s and many more, but after it all he learns a lessons that later through the book he is thankful, his innocents and open mind gets you hooked like a fish in the ocean.

The author's comments:
one of the greatest books ever written by Stephen Chobosky.


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