A Child Called It by David Pelzer | Teen Ink

A Child Called It by David Pelzer

January 12, 2013
By Anonymous

What is the point of beating your children? A Child Called It by David Pelzer is about how a kid gets abused by his own mother? Unfortunately, the book is autobiography. David Pelzer is the kid who was getting abused by his own mother. But it’s not only about him getting abused; A Child Called It is about fighting for survival. For example, his mother made him take spoonfuls of Clorox. What would u do if your mother made you drink Clorox?
A Child Called It takes place in Pelzer's house in Daly City, California. The main characters are David, his brothers, father and mother. The novel is told from a first-person point of view and reveals many horrors from his perspective. His main conflict is with his mom who is constantly punishing him.That negative relationship affects me because that will make me not be abusive to my wife or my kids. For example, she made him clean the whole house in 90 minutes. Who can do that? Then, he was sent to bed in the basement and couldn’t get up to us e the bathroom until she allowed him. How long do you think that abuse will last?
A Child Called It is worth reading because every time I got to a good part I had to show my friends about the part that happen. This book did change the way that I look at the world because some kids could be getting beat right now while you are reading this. I would recommend this book to the people who have been abused and people who want to stop abuse.


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