Bud, Not Buddy | Teen Ink

Bud, Not Buddy

April 30, 2013
By beastboy2335 BRONZE, Monongah, West Virginia
beastboy2335 BRONZE, Monongah, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Bud, Not Buddy By Christopher Paul Curtis is a realistic, young adult novel. It is about 230 pages that explains many common problems in the 1930’s. It includes Bud Caldwell, his dead mother, and Herman E. Calloway. Bud embarks on an adventure to find his father, but must overcome many challenges in throughout Michigan. Bud is doing this because his mother was very upset by people on some flyers. He goes through the racism and challenges that an African American at that time would face.

After reading Bud, Not Buddy I thought it was a classic story. This book explains a time period I didn’t know much about. I thoroughly, enjoyed the book, but it ended quickly leaving me some unanswered questions. This I felt kind of left me hanging and it made me want to know more. If I was to rate it, I would give it four out of five stars.


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