The Summer Trilogy by Jenny Han | Teen Ink

The Summer Trilogy by Jenny Han

July 9, 2013
By Teenage_Reads ELITE, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Teenage_Reads ELITE, Halifax, Nova Scotia
293 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"So many books, so little time"

This trilogy also known as the Belly Conklin Series composed of three books: The summer I turned pretty, it’s not summer without you, and we’ll always have summer. When most people measure their life, it’s normally by age or year; not our main girl Bell, she measures her life in summers. Belly is socially awkward, funny, sensitive and basically the best person ever. We watch her life from 15 to almost 24 and see how love really is like. And with most great love story’s there is a triangle! I did not like the plot in the third book yet it worked out in the end. In the end she got with the guy I was rooting for, and I’m proud to have met her.

The author's comments:
I liked it for its exactly what I want a summer romance to be.


This article has 1 comment.

on Aug. 14 2013 at 7:28 pm
TaylorWintry DIAMOND, Carrollton, Texas
72 articles 0 photos 860 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never fear shadows. They simply mean there's a light shining somewhere nearby." - Unknown

I read this series as well, and loved it. I'm not crazy about the structure, etc. in book reviews... so let's give it a go. I like your style, and I REALLY like how you spoiled the ending without spoiling it really... Additionally, book reviews are GENERALLY in third person, (not first) so that might be something you want to change. Really just depends on the author/audience.   So, anyway, I like your writing style. It's common, but it's good. Keep up the good work!