Maximum Ride: Schools Out Forever | Teen Ink

Maximum Ride: Schools Out Forever

October 31, 2008
By Anonymous

Maximum Ride is a thrilling fast paced story of 6 mutants and there dash for freedom. Max the main character and his friend's Iggy, Angel, Fang, Gazmen, and a dog named Total escape the “school” where they have been given wings and some odd powers. But they are not out of harms way yet, because Ari and the rest of the erasers and on their tails. The erasers are the guards of the School who can transform into wolves. They fly up the east coast in an effort to find their parents who they were kidnapped from at only 6 months old. In their first meeting with the erasers fang get's bitten and is rushed to the hospital. There they meet Anne who takes care of them at here DC ranch. There they go to a real school that is run by an evil head master that the flock call the headhunter. This book makes me as the reader realize how evil people can be and how everyone need's help. The author does an excellent job of telling Max's story including amazing detail and great plot. This book is one of my favorite books I have ever read. I strongly recommend this book for it's thrilling plot and amazing story line.


This article has 1 comment.

on Dec. 13 2011 at 11:23 am
Musicalartist, Xxxxx, Other
0 articles 0 photos 144 comments

i like it, but im a girl, not a boy

~Max <3