The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky | Teen Ink

The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

January 27, 2014
By mryan20 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
mryan20 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
''the time is always right to do what's right'' -martin luther king jr

‘’We accept the love we think we deserve.’’ In Stephen Chobosky book The Perks of Being a Wallflower, you have your nerds, Goths, jocks, middle class, populars, and then your wallflowers who are at the bottom, but just because their different nobody knows how to fit in. The quote inspired me book to understand wallflowers and about how they are different, but that is ok.

A shy lonely, unselfconfident, 14 year old Charlie who’s just starting his first day of high school unlike any teenager doesn’t know how to fit in. He also has so many problems around him like what he is dealing with at home, his best friend killing himself, and not making any friends. He did met two strange teenagers, but the thing about these teenagers is they would give Charlie the craziest experience any teenager could have.

My two strange teenagers are like what Charlie sees, but mine are my two older brothers. I loved hearing my brother’s stories when they came home about high school and how crazy it was. Their stories made me look forward to starting high school. And their friends would come over and I saw how much they laughed together about the weirdest things.

Before reading this book, I didn’t realize how mean and cruel kids could be in high school, but this changed my mind about high school. I thought you can just walk into school and just bump into your new best friend, but it’s not as simple as that. Now you have to look the part, talk the part, act the part, and be the part to fit in. The book teaches us is that there’s always a group for you, but you just have to find the one that makes you happy to come to school every day. Charlie wants a group in school that just makes him laugh and happy every day because he doesn’t have any friends.

This book is defiantly a book to read over and over again. It pulls you in to show what it’s really like for a 14 year old in high school. .

The author's comments:
This book really inspired me to be strong in high school and to just find the one group that makes me laugh all the time


This article has 1 comment.

jeffmj77 said...
on Feb. 11 2014 at 10:56 pm
Great review.  I want to read this book!