House of Hades by Rick Riordan | Teen Ink

House of Hades by Rick Riordan

February 21, 2014
By laxbrobush BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
laxbrobush BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

On The House of Hades Written by Rick Riordan

Spoiler alert: I have read every book Riordan has released that involves any greek or Egyptian Mythology, these books were a part of my childhood and I have always enjoyed them. That being said Riordan has changed the way he has written since the start of Percy’s journey, he has gotten much darker it seems. Earlier this year I read the first book over again, the Lighting theif, its a wonderful book and I still have continued to enjoy this whole series over and over again, but when Riordan introduced his first book to the Heroes of Olympus series i wasn’t impressed. Although they are still great books and they will always be some of my favorites just because of the characters and the world Riordans created. Starting in his previous book, the mark of Athena, the story has become a much darker.
With the doom upon these demigods they must team up with the gods to save the world we know. These characters have setbacks on every page and seem to always be in trouble but recently every setback has been darker, more people dying, getting hurt, emotional issues with the team of kids. Its not that i do not enjoy a change in the writing it’s just that it seems there are never any happy parts in this supposedly feel good book. It feels as if at every corner there is some impending tragedy that could happen, but sometimes this darkness is good, keeping me on my toes, on the edge of my seat, but its not what Percy jackson has been in the past but if you like this new change, to each his own. Again I enjoyed the book it just was not what I expected.

Despite the darkness that Riordan included in his story I was intrigued with some of the new monsters and creatures he introduced. It was a very fun story to follow along with even with the dark parts in it, I was hooked when Percy and Annabeth find Bob, an ancient mythological titan and Damesan, an child of Gaia, a giant, it was funny how he included these creatures from greek myths, a titan and a giant fighting tartarus, one of the oldest greek gods. Riordan did a great job in freshening up the story with new monsters and problems. It was pleasant to have something other than the same old thing happening over and over again. Even though he did introduce some new things I could not help thinking of how he could have put in even more new ideas instead of dishing out more of the same stuff.

I am not trying to rant so this is what I have to say, with the new series Riordan introduced a new way of writing, multiple perspectives. These multiple perspectives are interesting and I think they are a great new idea, but Riordan sometimes chose the wrong people to tell the story at their point of view, I loved how Riordan juggled the different characters perspectives, but sometimes the story would lose my interest but when the story switched again I would be hooked again. It is an awesome idea that could make his books all the better. After thinking about all this I would strongly recommend this book to anyone who is interested. It is a good book that has few flaws that are easily ignored.

The author's comments:
I have followed this series since I was young and felt strongly to tell others about telling others about this book since many have liked this book.


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