Lord Of The Flies by William Golding | Teen Ink

Lord Of The Flies by William Golding

April 11, 2014
By lucap BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
lucap BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Lord Of The Flies

William golding
Lord of the Flies by William Golding was one of the best books that I have ever read and it could be great for you too! This book circles around boys named Ralph, Piggy, Jack and Simon. The boys and many others, have crashed a plane on a remote island where the only animals are pigs, birds and some others because the Island was like a small jungle with many large trees and other sorts of rocky terrain. One big land form that plays a big part in the story is a giant rock called Castle Rock.

Lord of the Flies has very intriguing and interesting character development. Over the course of the story you see how all of the boys manage to cope and almost battle against being without their parents for a very long time and not going insane, in which with some cases they do! Many of the characters are static along with dynamic. A lot of the boys get scared of a lot of things so create the “beast” which is just a figment of their imagination and they create this because whatever they see and get scared of they think its the beast, so everybody hears about and some disagree whether it’s real or fake. The beast also has a big role in all of the character development.

Much of the word choice was very well thought out, with this book being written in the early 1900’s language was a little different so they also wrote a little differently making the book fun to read and then learn a little bit about the culture from back in the 1900’s

I would say Lord Of The Flies has an audience that's maybe into the Dystopian novels because it is one by definition and has a lot of similarities with books like the Hunger Games and Divergent. They are similar because the Protagonist is always in fear with his/her life and the antagonist is trying to kill the Protagonist.

Overall the book is very good, but anybody under the age of 11 really should not read this book because, #1 it gets hard to understand what's going on at times and #2, it can get pretty graphic and detailed at that. Lord of the Flies has amazing word choice, plot, pro and antagonist and the overall setting is also very good. So the overall verdict is you really should consider reading it if you are over the age of 11.


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