A Northern Light | Teen Ink

A Northern Light

December 5, 2008
By Anonymous

Who would you be if you were torn between you family and yourself? For you to stay on the farm get married and have children or to go to collage and get educated and become a writer.

It is 1906 in Eagle Bay, New York. Mattie Gokey a small town girl with big town dreams. She wants to go to college. The only way she going to get there is by working at a local hotel. When Grace a guest, come up to Mattie and asks her to burn a stack of letter. “Promise me you will,” but when Grace is found dead in the lake a few days later. What is Mattie to do with the letters Grace had given her? What would she think of herself too find out who killed Grace.

A Northern Light By: Jennifer Donnelly describes what it would have felt like to be torn from what you want and what your family wants for you. I would recommend this book for a girl between the ages 13-18. Even the constant flashback will still have you turning pages. What will Mattie do with the letters Grace had given her? Will she burn them like she promised or will she read them and maybe find who killed Grace?


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