Blood Is Thicker by Paul Langan | Teen Ink

Blood Is Thicker by Paul Langan

May 8, 2014
By Jeffree Ramirez BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
Jeffree Ramirez BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Boy, you better shut your mouth!” exclaims Savon in Blood is Thicker, a novel in the Bluford High Series. Written by Paul Langan, novel follows the life of Hakeem, who is having trouble getting along with his cousin, Savon, in his new house in Detroit. At first, they were childhood friends. Now they are ready to go to war with each other. The outcome of the battle promises to change their lives forever. The tone of the realistic fiction is serious with a realistic nature. For example, the emotional tension is high between the main character and Savon. The author’s lesson to teens is to avoid assume things too quickly about people. Life might be hard now, but later everything will be better.

My favorite part of Blood is Thicker is when Hakeem follows his cousin Savon into a club. He finds out something about his cousin he didn't know. He is also confused about whether his cousin is robbing stores. Hakeem found evidence that Savon was stealing, but he struggles with himself about to tell the police about his suspicions.
Paul Langan is an editor of the Bluford High series. His stories reflect his personal experience of his life -- from the difficulties of growing up without a father and the many challenges students still face today. Overall, his books are inspirational in so many ways and almost everyone can make connections to the stories in some form.

This book inspired me because I learned that you should wait to put all the puzzle pieces together before drawing a conclusion. I recommend this novel to someone who likes adventure and mysteries. Blood is Thicker will keep you engaged from first to the last page.


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