The Fault In Our Stars | Teen Ink

The Fault In Our Stars

August 29, 2014
By Batman_clarissa BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
Batman_clarissa BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Character is made by what you stand for" -anonymous

If you are like me ,and love a love story, you will fall head over heels for The Fault In Our Stars. It tells about teenagers going through very realistic "teenage problems" while battling cancer. There is love, drama, and friendship in this epic tear jerking novel about one brave girl that is battling being a teen and cancer. The Fault In Our Stars, by John Green, tells of not only Hazel and her battles, but also tells of her friends and their abundance of troubles.

This book is very realistic as to how teens really act, speak, and love. I could easily see any, and all of these characters as real people. The Fault In Our Stars is captivating, interesting, refreshing, and keeps you on the edge of your seats as it takes sharp turns astray from what you thought would happen. I personally think John Green is very intelligent and imaginative, and I loved reading his work. The plot was easy to follow, we'll written, and makes you want to read more.

The voice of the author was very emotional. It was as if I could feel what the characters felt. I believe the author having that range of emotion really helped the book because the characters are mainly normal teens with crazy emotions that make the book that much more realistic. As a teen I reflate to the book in so many different ways.

The Fault In Our Stars was mainly targeted towards young adults/ teen, but I believe anyone could enjoy this book. He situations in this book aren't really for younger people, like children. I think there is some very good vocabulary as well as a well written plot.

The Fault In Our Stars was An amazing and captivating book. I would absolutely recommend this book to anyone 5th grade and above. It was well written, easy to follow, interesting, and true to the way teens actually are.


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