The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien | Teen Ink

The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien

March 24, 2015
By zane harley BRONZE, Fairmont, West Virginia
zane harley BRONZE, Fairmont, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
     The hobbit is very odd story as it is the very beginning of the lord of the ring story and it sets a lot of tones for what’s going to be happening with the rest of the series. The plot/story of this book is about a little hobbit named Bilbo Baggins who is practically forced to go on an adventure with Gandolf and multiple dwarves. They travel throughout the land to go recover their lost gold.
     Though their journey seems nearly impossible Bilbo acquires a certain item that makes the entire journey almost a breeze I won’t say what this items is even though this item is what shapes the story. They also meet many people across the land who are willing to help them on their way.
     I recommend this story to people who like fantasy stories or someone who likes reading in general, effectively it is a really short story it still is a good book. Though if you like realistic books this isn’t really going to be your cup of tea because it’s not exactly the most realistic of stories.
     In my personal opinion the book is okay I find it to get boring at some points when they exaggerate on the same situation for a few paragraphs but those are far and between. Past that, a lot of characters that are in the story aren’t really fleshed out in any way. I’d rate a decent 4/5 for being a nice short story but kind of repetitive at times.

The author's comments:

The great CLITBRANK and his class mates read this story and i did a reveiw on it


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