The Testing by Joelle Charbonneau | Teen Ink

The Testing by Joelle Charbonneau

May 4, 2015
By Jalen Rasmussen BRONZE, Sandy, Utah
Jalen Rasmussen BRONZE, Sandy, Utah
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The Testing
Sometimes, people are rewarded for being different. Being different in academics and excelling above everyone else isn’t a bad thing. In The Testing by Joelle Charbonneau inspires high school students to do well in their studies. If they do well, they will move on to the University where they can continue their studies. There is a catch to what happens if you continue on. Only the best of the best are able to continue studying and help build up their society. The leaders of their small society pick which candidates they want to undergo “The Testing”. What is the testing exactly? If you are chosen for The Testing, you have to endure a series of tasks that can make or break your future. Few people actually make it on the the university. The Testing is meant to break you down and expose your weaknesses.
Malencia Vale is chosen for the testing. She doubted herself and didn’t think that she would actually make it. Her dad went to the testing when he was her age, so it’s really no surprise that she was chosen. Can she actually make it through The Testing? She has to choose who she can ally with and who she can actually trust. She isn’t the only one who has decisions to make. The United Commonwealth, the name of their government, is watching her every move and evaluating what she does. Malencia has to watch her back and be very careful about what she does. One mistake could cost her life, and could also result in the death of her family.
I recommend this book to anyone. It was really well written and is a page turner. You can’t put the book down. I personally think it is very enjoyable, and I read the entire book in three days. The second book is just as good as the first one. I think part of the reason I enjoyed it was because it was very similar to the Hunger Games. You can relate between the two and find many similarities. Knowing that it’s similar to the Hunger Games makes people back away from reading it. I encourage you to look past that and just read it. You can be pleasantly surprised at what happens in the book. I was well pleased with how it was written and what happens.
This book is well suited for teens of any age. It shows some things that we have to deal with in life. We have to choose who we can trust and who our friends should be. Going along with choosing good friends, we have to make important decisions that could make or break our future. I like that Malencia is a sort of role model that we can look up to. I also like the twist where the main character is actually a girl. We are seeing that more and more, but it is nice to have a twist on the overall story. The Testing is a great representation of what happens on in society today. People focus on multiple things at once and become stressed. The Testing also shows how life can be unfair.
The Testing is different then a lot of books that I have read. I like the idea of it and how the book is put together. People will not be able to put the book down like I have said before. You are able to see the “picture” of the book as you read. You feel as if you are there in the situation and watching it occur. Readers can relate to what happens and can read as Malencia goes through her Testing experience. It is very action packed and there is a lot of tension. There is excitement and you just want to know what happens. Cliffhangers do appear at the end of most chapters. It is a great book and I don’t think you will be disappointed with Charbonneau.

The author's comments:

I hope that this will inspire readers everywhere to read the book and maybe even read the series.


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