Fast Food Nation | Teen Ink

Fast Food Nation

February 9, 2009
By Nicole Eckles BRONZE, Plano, Texas
Nicole Eckles BRONZE, Plano, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Fast Food Nation Review

I can honestly say I can never look at a hamburger the same after reading Eric Schlosser's striking novel Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All- American Meal. Schlosser describes the effects of the big fast food industries on the American society and the appalling reality of America's favorite restaurants, what they are serving and who is serving it. Although majority of American's know that fast food corporations is the Rockefeller of our time, I wasn't expecting to be so newly informed about the gross truths that Schlosser has splendidly researched about.

The novel starts off by introducing the history of the fast food chains, one that was brought upon by the new 'speedy' lifestyle Americans adapted due to the affordable automobile. With a new culture laid with state highways and a suburban lifestyle growing nationwide, clever entrepreneurs such as Ray Croc and Carl Karcher acclimatize an assembly line tactic in their drive through food chains that makes billions.

Schlosser gives a new spin to muckraking journalism similar to Upton Sinclair's The Jungle. An accumulation of facts neatly fits together in various chapters devoted to the different subjects. Schlosser's witty, clam, clear tone gives the novel its flow and also successfully supports Schlosser's argument that fast food corporations are corrupting today's society.

To gain an extra buck, these corporations are employing teenagers, illegal immigrants, handicap or any one who is willing to accept low pay. These industries must keep labor process cost low to gain a huge corporate profit. To promote their products they focus a majority of their advertising towards children, using their 'cradle-to-grave' advertising strategies,' these corporations believe that 'a person's brand loyalty may begin as early as the age of two' (Schlosser 43). Schlosser's description of the food is what is disturbing. In his chapter 'why the fries taste good', Schlosser informs the reader that 'man-made additives' are what 'give most processed food most of its taste' (Schlosser 120). This groundbreaking information makes Schlosser's ideas about fast food industries one that is truly gruesome.

Schlosser has been involved investigating journalism for years. He has successfully been able to produce several award winning works including a National Magazine Award for "Reefer Madness" and "Marijuana and the Law". Fast Food Nation 'Not only will it make you think twice before eating your next hamburger ' it will also make you think about the fallout that the fast food industry has had on the social and cultural landscape' (The New York Times). Schlosser makes you laugh yet also terrifies you to think twice about what you're actually eating.


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