Mother Warriors | Teen Ink

Mother Warriors

February 9, 2009
By Jordan Callaway BRONZE, Plano, Texas
Jordan Callaway BRONZE, Plano, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Recently I read a novel by Jenny McCarthy entitled Mother Warriors. At first I was skeptical about reading a serious narrative written by an actress. Soon after beginning the first few pages however, I knew that this was a story absolutely worth reading. Jenny McCarthy uses ethos and logos to appeal to her audience. The stories of each of the mother warriors are touching and beyond doubt inspiring. Not only is this novel emotionally appealing, it also has a plethora of evidence and results concerning autism and the road to recovery. McCarthy represents an entire population of parents who recognize the link between certain vaccines and their autistic children. The story in its entirety is very controversial between the scientific documents and the proof that hundreds of parents have on not scientifically supported methods that produce results. McCarthy's writing style is very conversational and personal. She's informal and as a reader you can actually relate to her although you may not be in the same situation. Even the physical composition of the book lends itself to her style. During each story by a mother warrior McCarthy adds untailored anecdotes to comment on her personal experience with the mother or how she can relate to what they are going through. Although McCarthy has a relaxed style, the novel is surprisingly informative concerning autism and the methods of recovery. Mother Warriors is moving and enlightening; a novel that I believe one should certainly take the time to read.


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