Generation Me | Teen Ink

Generation Me

February 10, 2009
By Lisa Stamp BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
Lisa Stamp BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Expert Dr. Jean Twenge, a psychologist and associate professor of psychology at San Diego State University, presents this intensive, groundbreaking book, Generation Me. Generation 'Me' includes today's generation of young adults born after the 1970's. Therefore, Dr. Twenge strongly appeals to today's youth and adolescents in this book and provides the reasoning behind why they are as they are. She reveals an abundant amount of surprising statistics throughout her organized chapters, displaying the substantial amount of research and study this author has endured. With these findings, Twenge introduces humor, despair, and empathy which enhance her emotional ethical effects that greatly appeal to her audience. The author's logical and clearly organized approach is found most evidently within the quote, 'Generation Me has the highest self-esteem of any generation, but also the most depression. We are more free and equal, but also more cynical. We expect to follow our dreams, but are anxious about making that happen' (Twenge 212). The book is securely reinforced by the prescriptive advice that Twenge encloses towards the end of the book. Generation Me is sure to have a great impact on today's readers, providing them with impressive explanations and foresight for their futures.


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