I am Malala by Malala | Teen Ink

I am Malala by Malala

January 7, 2016
By Elaineshao PLATINUM, Shanghai, Other
Elaineshao PLATINUM, Shanghai, Other
32 articles 2 photos 2 comments

   From my view of the world, Pakistan has always been a tiny country in Asia. Compared to India and Thailand, which we can easily find on our tour guides, I have never paid much attention to this poor and backward area. One day in a bookstore, a Pakistani girl with a pair of bright eyes full of strength and braveness on the cover of a book titled I am Malala drew my attention immediately. Who is Malala? With curiosity, I steadily opened the book and read it.
  It tells us the story of Malala, a brave Pakistani girl with enthusiasm to improve the education in her country. Malala was born in a little town, the Swat Valley, in the north of Pakistan where there were only destitute and forlorn schools for boys to study. Malala's father had a dream to improve the condition of education and let all the children, including girls, have a chance to study. He used almost all of his money to build new schools and to hire teachers. Under the influence of her father, Malala followed her father's footsteps and devoted herself to education in Pakistan. However, when the Taliban took control of their valley and ordered no girls should go to school, Malala refused to be silenced and made many speeches to encourage the girls not to obey the terrorists.
   Today, all of the children in my home country of China can obtain a free education so I cannot imagine that thousands of girls are forced to stay at home and forbidden to receive education as some others countries do. Of course, I never had to muster up Malala's strength and persistence to stand up and fight for her rights to an education, but I respect how much she accomplished. Even after she was shot by the Taliban while riding the bus home from school and was seriously injured, she has never given up her belief. As she stated at the Youth Assembly at UN “one child, one teacher, one book can change the world”.
  Malala's voice is so very powerful and it makes me believe that the power of one person's voice can attract the attention of the world and even change the world.
  Malala, I admire you.


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