The Parliament | Teen Ink

The Parliament

February 26, 2009
By Evan Villafranca BRONZE, New Hope, Pennsylvania
Evan Villafranca BRONZE, New Hope, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Horrified, frightened, and worried. These are what Eddie, Sir William, and George were feeling when they were being tracked down by the Lord of the Undead's Coachman. The Parliament of Blood by Justin Richards is stuffed with lots of action. In The Parliament of Blood, the main characters; Eddie, George, and Sir William are running away from the evil Lord of the Undead, (otherwise known as Orabis) and his evil army of Undead people. This army includes lots of people and even includes some of the main characters friends. Throughout this story, good people, and sometimes friends of the main characters, get captured by Orabis and get turned over to their army.
This is the perfect book for people who love non-stop adventure and suspense at the end of all the chapters. This is also the perfect book for people who like cliff hangers. Justin Richards writes this book in a way that will make your eyes glued to the pages. The Parliament of Blood was a fantastic book with lots of epic, exciting, and energetic.


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