the boy in the striped pyjamas | Teen Ink

the boy in the striped pyjamas

March 9, 2009
By beckybaybeee BRONZE, Birmingham, Other
beckybaybeee BRONZE, Birmingham, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The boy in the striped pyjamas is a about a young boy called Bruno living in Berlin and having to move to Germany because of the war. His father had a new position called the commander in the army. Bruno and his sister, Gretel, had to leave their friends behind. Bruno liked to do some discovering and exploring and he did so when he was settled into his new home. He had a found a wall and it went on for miles on end. Everyday he went for a walk down this wall because he had met a boy who always used to sit down on the other side of it. Bruno and his new friend, Schmuel, sat down together and just basically talked. But something terrible had happened; Schmuel's dad had gone missing. Bruno did some discovering and had found out that the place that his friend lives in is called a concentration camp. Soldiers in the army went to collect Jewish people and gassed them. Bruno wanted to go over there and see what they do, so, he dug a whole underneath the wall and while he did that Schmuel went to get the uniform they had to wear. Pyjamas. When Bruno's dad finds out what he has done he goes of and finds a pile of clothes which belong to Bruno. He looked around for him and there he was in a line with Schmuel. In a line to go into a tank which people get gassed in. Bruno's dad was shouting and screaming for Bruno but they all went in a there was nothing his dad could do to save his son. He had got to the tank after they had been gassed.


This article has 2 comments.

Lauren said...
on Oct. 19 2010 at 12:50 pm
Just finished reading this book with school some people nearly cried :( but good book

carmenstar97 said...
on Jun. 9 2009 at 2:44 am
This is so sad.