Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck | Teen Ink

Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck

January 7, 2017
By hdutro BRONZE, Porter, Indiana
hdutro BRONZE, Porter, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Tell me like you have done before” lennie. I was really interested in the part of the novel where George tells lennie about what they are going to do when they live off the land.George and lennie have to flee weed because lennie tugged on a girls dress which caused her to scream. They start working on a farm and their is a other characters which they have conflicts with . One of this a young girl who she flirts with all the workers. Her and lennie are talking about her hair and he starts to feel it.Lennie does not want to let go and ends up killing her. George must kill him before the other men do.The genre is realistic fiction. I liked this book because has a good story line and the book is not to long. I would recommend the age of 15 and older.

I would recommend this book because it lears  you in.  This was book was a page turner because you wanted to know what was going to happen in the end. It was easy to concentrate on because it is direct. No I did not connect with any of the characters because I have not gone through the same things the characters have. I like this genre because it is realistic. I did enjoy this type of writing because it made you think you could actually experience it. A surpise that held my interst was when George and lennie are telling the story. No not every chapter did not end with a cliff hanger. They never had a conflict. I think the you have to get into the story before you can find it entertaining. Yes I believe that someone would put their friend out of misery if they had no choice. Yes I did enjoy reading this because it was very interesting.


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