War of the Blood in My Veins by Dashaun "Jiwe" Morris | Teen Ink

War of the Blood in My Veins by Dashaun "Jiwe" Morris

January 25, 2017
By daddyking BRONZE, SACRAMENTO, California
daddyking BRONZE, SACRAMENTO, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What is war of the blood in my vein about? This book is about a young boy who 

Mom is a drug addict and soon he has to move with his auntie in a small house while his mom tries to stop and go to rehab. When dashaun moves with his auntie it's when everything changes. He meets new friends that are  gang affiliated with bloods and later on he tries to play football but the coach's son and the team are bloods so they try to get him in the gang and later on he ends up being a blood then as he gets older almost loses his life and meets his dad for the first time. He also gets a girlfriend and they had a baby when that happened he goes to college but gets arrested after a while with gun charge and fight with gang affiliation they soon let him go and put him on suspension from campus he plays football and almost makes it to the NFL but his gang affiliation gets him locked up and he doesn't go.

This book really affected me because it showed me how you can go from a young boy who doesn't know anything about gangs bloods,crips and all it takes is a bad person to take you and show a few thing and boom you're now in a gang  messing up your life and also how one good thing can go from life changing chance to ending locked up and just destroying in and now you have nothing.

This could change and help someone by showing them at a young age that you should not be a follower and how gang banging could get you killed or locked up and ruin your future and life goals. Also this show people of what can happen to you if you let somebody get in your way and take control of your life and dreams this could also help a parent out so they can know ahead of time in case  you want to have kid. You can teach them a life lesson or have them read this good book this  could also help a parent out so they can know ahead of time in case  you want to have kid you can teach them a life lesson or have them read this good book


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