Chain Reaction by Simone Elkeles | Teen Ink

Chain Reaction by Simone Elkeles

January 27, 2017
By Jessy.rm SILVER, Sacramento, California
Jessy.rm SILVER, Sacramento, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Live life as there no tomorrow.. "

 “You think DNA matters ?” Secrets end up catching up with people , the longer someone keeps them the more it hits. Every time you read this book the more and more you fall in love. Just picturing yourself in a book is just where you’d want to be. Reading Chain Reaction gets you in the situation where you don’t want to put the book down.


Chicago home to both Nikki Cruz and Luis Fuentes but they’re just from different side. Thinking it will be easy but the history from the south siders and the north sider which at times they don’t get quite along. One side being the rich side and well the other the poor side and the fact that they have a long history of Latino Blood gang activity. Many south siders choose to judge the northsiders because they don’t have thing they have but for the Fuentes brother no one was able to resist them. Most love books start with the love at first sight but this is more like an I hate you I love you type of book.


Both Nikki and Luis are very different people which I think that’s what drives them closer. Luis is a guy who has goals and well is the golden egg from his family because he was the last born before his father was killed. Nikki at some points is the broken one because she just went through things that just have you stunned and she’s just trying to find the way to get over it . The author Simone Elkeles is a good writer honestly once I was done with these books I wanted more searching until there was no more .


Chain Reaction definitely a book I recommend if you’re into novels but I suggest you to start from Perfect Chemistry to understand the book more plus you’d also fall in love with the Fuentes brothers and to what they became . I promise you that once you have the books in your hands you won’t want to put them down .

The author's comments:

One of my favorite books . Hard to choose from the others but this book got me with many surprises!


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