Holes | Teen Ink


March 24, 2009
By Bobby Workman BRONZE, Hurricane, West Virginia
Bobby Workman BRONZE, Hurricane, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the begging theres a kid named Stanley Yelnats.He is blamed for stilling a pair of shoes.his gets to make the choice to go to camp green lake or to go to jail.he decides to go to camp green lake, because he said he all ways wanted to go to camp.His dad is an inventor thats trying to find to cure for smelly feet.It was a very good book and it is the first book Ive ever read just for fun.The book is nice and its good that his family shook his bad luck.its a good book it would be even better if it had pictures.I dont think the book is as good as the movie.I would recamend this book its very good.


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