The Crossover by Kwame Alexander | Teen Ink

The Crossover by Kwame Alexander

September 14, 2017
By Jeydon BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
Jeydon BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
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Josh and Jordan “JB” Bell are the identical twin sons of Chuck “Da Man” Bell. In this amazing novel-in-verse we are told the inspirational, yet emotional, story of these two boys and how they figure out who they are and what they want to do. All while juggling many things as well.

Alexander's writing, for me, was easy to understand, as I could comprehend the story of Josh and JB, who both love basketball, and aspire to be like their father and their favorite basketball players. I could understand the close bond between the boys and their father, through all of the stories they shared and how much time they spent together. It seems like they will always be together… but will they?

Anyone would love this outstanding story that teaches you about the importance of family, figuring yourself out, and how to be happy when things look down. Every poem, every sentence, every word, contributes to how you see they story and what you learn from the story. It helps you learn to love the characters and how they grow individually as people.

I would recommend this book to anyone who likes an amazingly written, fast paced novel that makes you want to keep reading and never stop. The Crossover might change your understanding of family, and make you appreciate them more.


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