Delirium by Lauren Oliver | Teen Ink

Delirium by Lauren Oliver

May 25, 2018
By lizziesnider BRONZE, MONROE, Wisconsin
lizziesnider BRONZE, MONROE, Wisconsin
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Imagine a world where love is illegal and there is harsh punishments if you are caught in love. In Delirium by Lauren Oliver based in Portland, Oregon where love in the United States is considered a disease. If you are caught in love there is harsh punishments including beatings and sometimes death. The story started off with a teenage girl Lena turning 18 and her “cure” date is getting closer. Lena is nervous about the cure but is excited to not be in risk to be infected with the disease after witnessing her mother go through it, and running from the government, and then eventually commiting suicide because of it. Lena is very close to her cure when she meets a boy named Alex will she go through with the cure or risk it all to be with a guy she just met?

In Delirium forbidden love is a big part of the plot and the main ideas of the book. The authors perspective in this book is pretty apparent Oliver shows how much in the future that the government could control our every move and how it would get so far that people would just let it go and not try to fight it. The author uses the theme of love to show how two people can make a difference and take risks to live their life and be able to live it how they want.

I enjoy this book very much it was my favorite book i've read in awhile. The book really pulled me in because of all the mystery and all the secrets that goes on throughout the entire book. Delirium made me feel all the emotions the characters felt in this book at every moment. The forbidden romance between Lena and Alex made me want them to be together in the end even more. The way Alex cared for Lena even knowing the consequences was beautiful and exciting. This book was a creative and explosive book with excitement and a twist every page.
I would recommend this book to young adult readers with a sense for excitement and love in the books they are reading. With the different friendships throughout this story, and all the adventures, and all the challenges Lena faced throughout the story it was a very fun and satisfying read. After reading Delirium it has pushed me to want to read the next two books in the series. Reading this book gave me an urge to read when I usually do not like reading that much. I would recommend reading this book for a fun summer activity.


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