Once Upon a Time In Hollywood | Teen Ink

Once Upon a Time In Hollywood

July 31, 2019
By catherinecahn BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
catherinecahn BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
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Cast into the world of 1969 Hollywood clad with attractive men and groovy clothes, Once Upon a Time In Hollywood immediately draws you in. Occasionally narrated by an offscreen voice, audience members feel incapsulated in the lives of Rick Dalton (Leanoardo DiCaprio) and Cliff Booth (Brad Pitt) while also receiving occasional historical context of the characters’ lives. Quentin Tarantino effectively brings together comedy, drama, and a bit of horror with stunning shots and an outstanding cast. Characters who seem irrelevant in each other’s lives are intertwined in the end of the film with a hilarious, action-packed, nail-biting ending—made even stronger with its historic ties. Go see Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and when it’s over make sure to look up the truth that inspired this exceptional film. This intricate yet melodic screenplay left me laughing and bewildered with an empty bag of popcorn as the film came to a close. I will certainly be returning to the theaters soon for a second viewing. 


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