Fury Movie Review | Teen Ink

Fury Movie Review

December 23, 2014
By Logan11Morrison SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Logan11Morrison SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Fury”, a movie about an American tank roaming around Germany in World War II, came out in theatres on October 17th. “Fury” stars Brad Pitt as Wardaddy, Logan Lerman as Norman or Machine, Shia Labeouf as Bible, Michael Pena as Gordo, and Jon Bernthal as C**n-a**.

This movie is set in April of 1945 when the Germans are forcing every man, woman, and child to fight and defend Germany. This is the time when the allies are invading.

“Fury” follows the main story of sergeant and tank captain Wardaddy and his crew around Germany killing and fighting Nazi’s in a Sherman tank named Fury. In the tank war against Germany the U.S. is heavily outgunned. The German Tiger tanks are much more advanced than U.S. Sherman tanks.

When the crew loses their main gunner, a small town typist named Norman, who is later nicknamed to Machine, is enlisted as their main bow gunner. Norman has never seen war or even the inside of a tank. This movie also follows Wardaddy trying to teach Norman about the harsh but true realities of war, ultimately turning Norman into a man.

This movie received critical acclaim including an 8.1/10 on IMDb and a 79% critic like rating and an 89% audience rating on Rotten Tomatoes. And so far, it has grossed 66 million.David Denby of the New Yorker said this, “Fury is literally visceral-a kind of war horror film, which is, of course, what good combat films should be.”

“Fury” is gory which is why he says it’s a war horror film. He likes how it shows the actual horrors of war.

Some critics felt differently, like Jason Best of Movie Talk, “The scenes of combat have a grim authenticity but the story is pure guys-on-a-mission baloney.”

My review of “Fury” out of 10 is a 7. The acting is phenomenal especially from Shia Labeouf but like Jason Best I believe it’s the cliche of 5 guys on a mission to defend the country. The movie follows no real storyline like other war movies such as “Saving Private Ryan”. It just follows the tank Fury itself. This movie is not a must see but of the movies out now I would recommend it.


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