Step Brothers | Teen Ink

Step Brothers

January 30, 2009
By Dylan Wiffen BRONZE, Cave Creek, Arizona
Dylan Wiffen BRONZE, Cave Creek, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One of the best movies I have seen this year would be Step Brothers. Will Ferrell has been one of my favorite actors since the first time I saw him in a movie and John C. Reilly only makes Will Ferrell an even better actor than he already is.

This movie is about two 40 year olds who still live with their parents. The two parents meet at a public speaking and 'hit it off'. After awhile dating the two parents decide to get married and the two men Brennan and Dale have to move into the same house.

After a while living together the family has Brennan's brother come over. Brennan has hated his brother ever since his high school talent show when his brother had his football friends sing a certain phrase that you will find out about if you see the movie. Dale soon finds out that he doesn't like him as well so the boys put aside their differences and become best friends.

If you see this movie you are in for about an hour and a half of laughter and fun. I rate this movie a 10 out of ten and I think it will go down as a Will Ferrell classic.


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